

  • To improve students’ creativity and critical thinking skills in English
  • To cater for learners’ diversity and promote self-directed learning
  • To develop students' English language proficiency and competency through authentic learning experiences
  • To adopt a Balanced Literacy Approach in the teaching of English by designing activities and lessons which will help students to develop their reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing skills
  • To teach the 12 reading comprehension strategies and encourage students to develop the love of reading
  • To teach the 6 traits of writing
  • To improve students’ writing skills through process writing and other writing tasks
  • To focus on interactive learning experiences, e.g. provide opportunities for students to enhance their English skills through a variety of interclass and school-wide English activities (Speech Festival, Poetry Café, Spelling Bee, and inter-school competitions)
  • To prepare our students for higher education

Reading Programme

P.1 to P.6 pupils are encouraged to read English story books regularly to build their language awareness to master the English language. Levelled readers are used from Kids A-Z as well as thematic readers from EPIC. These online platforms provide content not only for in class discussions but for extensive reading outside the classroom. 
In addition, this is the second year that we have adopted Development of Text Sets (DTS) for P1-2, which is offered by the NET section. The purpose is to use a wide range of authentic texts to support learning which aligns with the text book themes. 

Phonics (P.1-P.3) 

Students learn the sound symbol relationship of words and they learn to decode words for meaning. To develop phonemic awareness, the sounds are introduced in NET lessons and then further reinforced by the LETs. Phonics is taught in context so that students can practice blending sounds and decode meaningful words and sentences. In this way, they begin to READ.


Ability Grouping

Students are grouped according to their abilities. On the one hand, there is the core curriculum which is the basic foundation at each level. On the other hand, there is the school-based curriculum which is created in order to cater for learner differences. Since pupils are placed into different classes according to their abilities, weaker students have more support from their teachers as well due to a smaller class size.


Experiential Learning

Experiential learning offers students the opportunity to engage in hands-on experiences that go beyond traditional classroom settings. By participating in activities such as experiments, field trips, and real-world projects, students can apply their knowledge in practical ways, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


Pets Day

P1 students recently had an exciting Pets Day event where teachers and students were encouraged to bring their beloved pets to school. This hands-on experience allowed students to interact with pets, touch them, and observe them up close. With the help of parent volunteers, students had the opportunity to learn about different types of pets and their care needs. Meeting real pets not only sparked joy and curiosity among the students but also provided a valuable experiential learning opportunity where they could see firsthand how to interact with and care for animals in a safe and supervised environment.


Smoothie Making

After our P3 students have learnt about recipes, students were engaged in smoothie making. This hands-on activity allows students to apply their knowledge in a practical and enjoyable way. This experiential learning opportunity not only reinforces their understanding of recipes but also fosters creativity and collaboration with peers.


P3 Outing to Nan Lian Garden

We offer students the opportunity to learn in an immersive way, for example, an outing to Nan Lian Garden for P3 students. By actively participating in activities that stimulate the five senses, students can better retain information and gain a deeper understanding of the concepts being taught. After the trip, students shared their unforgettable moments and experience by writing a diary entry! 


P5 English Camp

The primary aim of the camp is to enhance students' confidence in speaking English by immersing them in interactive games and teamwork activities. These activities involve friendly competition and collaborative tasks to strengthen the students as a unified team. Students are encouraged to actively use English to reach their objectives, fostering engagement and courage. Throughout the camp, students can discover new experiences, cultivate independence, and enjoy themselves while engaging in thrilling activities and mastering the English language.



Application of e-learning technology helps promote an efficient, effective and productive way of teaching. It promotes better communication and helps teachers and students to share accountability for learning and achievements. A variety of platforms are used to connect students with their learning and provide various ways for them to respond and reflect. Having access to such platforms help students’ development including positive self-directed learning. 


NET Section

P1-P3 students have the opportunity to enjoy two lessons which are co-taught by the NET and LET per cycle. The NETs mainly focus on High Frequency Words, Phonics, Shared Reading and Guided Reading. Guided Reading for P1-2 students is carried out in small groups with a ratio of 1:7. Another aspect of the NET Section is to increase their confidence in speaking using a variety of fun activities. 
Enjoy the fun English activities that we do in our school. Click here to find books, games and much more. Don’t forget to visit our Google Classroom (NET Section@SBCPS) (For current students only.) to check out cool resources and participate in the interactive activities just for you!



English Drama

Drama builds confidence, helps concentration, develops language and communication skills, encourages children to cooperate, helps them to understand the world around them and develops creativity. Our school participates in the Hong Kong School Drama Festival and a team of students and teachers prepare for the final performance.


P5 Canada Summer Camp

Cultural exposure is essential for students to grow and flourish. To encourage students to learn English, a selection of P.5 students are sent off to Canada during the summer of every year to take part in activities in an immersive English environment. Students join interactive English lessons with native speakers followed by a variety of outdoor activities such as kayaking, visiting museums and picking fruit.

Lunch Reading

Reading is one of the essential elements to effective learning and a way in which students can discover their interests in a particular topic(s). We have a Buddy Reading system where students from the upper levels are paired with the lower levels to read during lunch time. Our English Ambassadors also hold reading-related activities for our students.


Other English Activities

We offer a variety of internal and external English activities so as to expose our students and create a language rich environment for their learning.  Writers’ Conference, Board Games, Thematic Stall Games, Interactive Activities, Songs, Spelling Bees, Poetry Cafe are some of the many activities that aim to motivate students to learn English and explore the fun of learning the language. 



We encourage students to take part in various competitions to showcase their talents. Some of these competitions include Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (Solo Verse Speaking, Prose Reading, Choral Speaking), Storytelling Competition and Storywriting Competition. Click here to see the list of winners and some of their work.


Our Team

Third Row: Ms Jiao Jiao, Mr Lai Chuen Hei, Ms Lo Wing Yan, Mr Brown Benjamin, Mr Jack Hackett, Ms Ho Yin Chiu, Mr Adrian Clavijo
Second Row: Ms Ho Yat Ping, Ms Wong Pak Ngan,  Ms Yeung Pui Sze, Ms Lau Man Ching Maggie, Ms Leung Ho Yung, Ms Cheung Shuk Yee, Ms Law Sze Man
First Row: Mr Hui Charn Lam, Mr Tam Ming Yat Jonathan, Ms Ng Mei Ha, Ms Tse Tsz Ching, Ms Lai Tsz Ying, Ms Yeung Tsz Man, Ms Tong Pui Fung